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They cannot transfer those rights to others. They can only reproduce as many copies of the work as they need for themselves to sell, usually at any price. It is generally agreed that adding reproduction rights to quality information products can multiply the value of the product many times. Example: Disk-Based Book "How To Earn Money With Your Computer" or similar title: Retail value............................. $10.00 With reproduction rights.................. $50.00 - $500.00 or more! When you pay for reproduction rights you are paying for all the research and work the author has put into the product and the right to benefit as much monetarily as he or she without having had to do any of the work yourself. Ask any author of any quality, full-length, information product after he or she has spent many months putting together a title: "Looking back on the whole ordeal, if you could have the exact same product, word for word, conceived, researched, written, proof-read and handed to you with effective marketing material for $250.00 - $500.00, would you pay the money or do it yourself again"? I don't know about you, but I've been through it several times and I'd gladly pay up! So what does this mean to you? It means you can make a very reasonable investment in a some quality products and save yourself months and months of work and make large profits by saving others months and months of work. You see, others will be attracted to this offer and buy from you for the same reasons I hope you will become interested and buy from me. If you have not already done so, go back and read the descriptions of HOMEBIZ.101 and HOMEBIZ MAX!. As you can see, HOMEBIZ MAX! can be considered an enhanced HOMEBIZ.101. So HOMEBIZ PLUS can be called an enhanced HOMEBIZ MAX! Also read the HOMEBIZ.101 Q&A section. Now consider what I've said above and look over the benefits described below and you'll understand how easy it will be for you to earn big profits over and over again! Here's what you get: þ All the benefits of HOMEBIZ MAX! and HOMEBIZ.101! þ COMPLETE REPRODUCTION RIGHTS TO "THE FAMILY COMPUTER GUIDE TO DRUGS AND DRUG ABUSE" COMPUTER PROGRAM. This is a full-length commercial computer program!!! A. This means you can make as many copies of the software as you wish and sell it at any price! Our usual price for this title is $15.00 plus $3.00 S&H (total $18.00). Our dealers get $10 and we get $8 on individual sales. Now you can keep the entire $18.00 or more! You can also sell to stores in bulk quantities and keep all the money! Just one bulk order for 100 disks will repay your initial HOMEBIZ PLUS! investment! (This is assuming you charge $5.00 per disk, and average quantity discount price. You can charge more or less, depending on quantity.) Here's a tactic that works: Mail several copies of the drug flyer to a school, with ATTN: PTA President on the envelope. It will get discussed at the next meeting and orders will come! And remember, you fill the order and YOU KEEP ALL THE MONEY! B. You can negotiate site license fees with schools, churches and law enforcement agencies, if you wish, and keep ALL of the money! This means $200.00 to $600.00 or more per sale! This is twice the site license profit over the HOMEBIZ MAX! plan! (A site license allows an organization to make copies of the program for use inside their organization.) C. You can transfer the complete reproduction rights for this title to others by selling the HOMEBIZ PLUS! package and keeping $400.00 each time! þ Complete reproduction rights to "The Family Computer Guide To Drugs & Drug Abuse Screen Saver Program. A. This means you can make as many copies of the software as you wish and sell it at any price! B. You can sell the complete reproduction rights for this title to others and keep all of the money! You can sell the rights to this program independently of HOMEBIZ PLUS! and keep all of the money! YOU set the price for the program AND for the reproduction rights! You don't need to contact us! þ Complete reproduction rights to "Writing & Selling Disk-Based Books and Information Products. A. This means you can make as many copies of the software as you wish and sell it at any price! B. You can sell the complete reproduction rights for this title to others independently of HOMEBIZ MAX! and keep all of the money! þ Complete reproduction rights to "Earning Cash With Your Commercial Computer Bulletin Board System". A. This means you can make as many copies of the software as you wish and sell it at any price! B. You can sell the complete reproduction rights for this title to others independently of HOMEBIZ MAX! and keep all of the money! þ Complete reproduction rights to "The Complete Law Enforcement Reference Manual & Career Guide". A. This means you can make as many copies of the software as you wish and sell it at any price! You can devise and negotiate your own site license arrangement with schools if you wish. YOU set the fees and ternms and keep ALl the money! B. You can sell the complete reproduction rights for this title to others independently of HOMEBIZ MAX! and keep all of the money! There's no need to contact us about it! þ LEE HOWARD'S VIDEO SEMINAR: "How To Start Your Own Mail Order Business" ...On VHS Tape....A $49.95 Value!!! þ LEE HOWARD'S BOOK "Mail Order Success Secrets". This is a collection of 46 reports from one of the masters of mail order business. þ THE SHAREWARE SAMPLER DISK. Every shareware computer program you need to run your home office! Text editing, file compression, file viewers, multi-level marketing simulator, spelling & style checking software, large custom font generator, business form letter program, beginner's guide to the Internet program, card file database, invoice writer, electronic catalog, text presentation program, professional .PCX image library, and more! þ You can offer the complete HOMEBIZ PLUS package for sale and keep 80% of the money! Opportunities Online will ship the package to your customer! You make $400.00 per sale and I do the work! (You can sell the individual titles that have reprint rights for any price, but only Opportunities Online can ship the complete HOMEBIZ PLUS package. This is so we can make sure only the latest, most up-to-date information is being shipped to customers. This is unlike many of the stale "reprint right" items that get circulated through- out the mail order industry year after year.) Also, as with the other HOMEBIZ packages, we can only accept dropship orders for the HOMEBIZ PLUS package from those we have shipped the dealership to. I know it may be hard to imagine pocketing that kind of money and only having to mail me an order form and a check to do it, but that's the way it works! How You Will Earn BIG money With HOMEBIZ PLUS! This is how fast you can recover your initial cost of your HOMEBIZ PLUS! package ($500) and earn a whole lot more. þ Sell 2 HOMEBIZ PLUS packages ($400 ea.), or þ Sell 28 drug awareness programs9 $18 ea), or þ Sell 1 or 2 drug software site licenses to a school district ($200-$600 ea), or þ Sell 13 CA$H.EXE programs ($40 ea), or þ Sell 27-30 of either of the disk-based books ($12-$15 ea), or þ Sell 10 of either of the disk-based books with reproduction rights ($50 ea), or þ Sell any combination of the over 100 reports with reprint rights ($$$ unlimited), or Sell any combination of the above, plus PC Disk/BBS advertising and other products! Once your advertising is established you can expect multiple orders per day for products ranging from $13.00 to $600.00 or more! You can easily earn hundreds of dollars per day! Since HOMEBIZ PLUS is a GIANT discount package, there is no further discount available to our distributors. If you have already purchased HOMEBIZ.101 or HOMEBIZ MAX! you may deduct the total price you paid for it from the price of HOMEBIZ PLUS!. HOMEBIZ PLUS! is an unusually good value, and only those who purchase it may re-sell it at 80% commission.